Connecting Neurosurgeons

Uniting for advanced care solutions and enhanced training opportunities in neurosurgery in 6 Portuguese-speaking African countries

A . N . P A L O P .

ANPALOP is an association formed by neurosurgeons from 6 Portuguese-speaking African countries with the main objective to exchange knowledge and assistance between countries, improve conditions of access to care for neurosurgical patients, support training of future neurosurgeons


A.N.PALOP. currently has 40 active members consisting of residents and neurosurgeons practicing within the PALOP countries, but also diaspora. We are looking to expand our community, please join us

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  • Jan 2023 Neurosurgical tv. (Introduction ANPALOP)
  • June 2023 Peripheral nerve webinar (Angola)
  • July 2023 Chronic Pain webinar (Brazil)

Our Journey

In 2022 the Association of Neurosurgeons of Portuguese-speaking African countries (Associação de Neurocirurgiões dos Paises Africanos de Língua Oficial Portuguesa (ANPALOP)) was created by a group of young neurosurgeons of African descent to increase visibility and advocacy of neurosurgery within these countries.

Data per country

CountryPopulationGDPIDHReading and writing skillsLife expect.Neurosurgeons
GB2.105.5661.63 bi0.48354%600
MZ32.969.51817.85 bi0.4563%6118
EG1.674.90811.81 bi0.59694%616
Ang35.588.987106.71 bi0.5772%6221
CV593.1492.31 bi0.66291%742

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